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Qualitative Data Analysis: Introduction

with Dr. Lea Sgier

January 14th, 2023
9:30 a.m. - 1:50 p.m. (EST)


Qualitative Data Analysis: Introduction

Saturday, January 14th 9:30 a.m. - 1:50 p.m. (EST)


Dr. Lea Sgier

Senior Lecturer in Qualitative Methodology at the Political Science Department of the University of Geneva, Switzerland

This workshop offers an introduction to qualitative data analysis for participants with little knowledge or practice in this field. The aim of the workshop is to “unpack” the basic analytic process through which qualitative data are typically analysed:  pre-analysis, coding scheme construction, coding, pattern finding and the building of interpretations. We will also briefly look at other steps that precede or follow the coding stage per se (such as data body construction; writing up; writing the methods section). Software assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS) will briefly be mentioned but is not the centre of this workshop.


The workshop is aimed mainly at participants who have a specific data analysis task to perform in the near future (such as analysing interview data for a dissertation, thesis or project). Participants with a general interest in qualitative data analysis are also welcome. The workshop will mostly refer to textual data (such as interview transcripts, policy documents or media articles). However, the main steps of data analysis also apply (with some adaptations) to other kinds of data (audio, visual and audio-visual data, social media data, etc.).


Participants who have a concrete data analysis task at hand are invited to bring it along, so that they can begin to think it through during the workshop.

If possible, please come to the workshop with a laptop or other wifi enabled device with which you may consult documents shared  during the session.


Preparatory work:

Participants should read texts nr 1 OR 2 (1 if they are completely new to qualitative data analysis; 2 if they are already somewhat familiar with it), and text nr 3 (a good example of what an analysis looks like once it has been written up).

1. Braun, Virginia and Clarke, Victoria (2006). “Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology”, Qualitative Research in Psychology 3(2): 77-101. [the method has nothing to do with psychology].


2. Ritchie, Jane and Spencer, Liz (2002). "Qualitative Data Analysis for Applied Policy Research", in Huberman, A. Michael and Miles, Matthew B. (eds), Analyzing Qualitative Data. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 305-329.


3. Butcher, Howard Karl et al. (2001). "Thematic Analysis in the Experience of Making a Decision to Place a Family Member With Alzheimer's Disease in a Special Care Unit". Research in Nursing and Health 24: 470-80.


Note: This workshop is being offered in person, however, Dr. Sgier will be joining workshop participants remotely via Zoom.

Certificate Credits: 1

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