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Our Network

This network is ever expanding, it includes a variety of seasoned academics, practitioners, public servants, politicians and leaders from all sectors.


As we continue to grow, new faces will be added below. Sign up and create your KiND Institute profile, we can then keep you up to date as new workshops become available and new networking opportunities are created.

Dr. Thomas Bryer

Professor, School of Public Administration, University of Central Florida, Orlando


Prof. Jo Crotty

Professor of Management and Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, Edge Hill University

Dr. Sofia Prysmakova

Assistant Professor, Public Administration, Kennesaw State University


Dr. Victoria Foster

Senior External Engagement Fellow and Director of the Centre for Social Responsibility, Edge Hill University

Dr. Tomasz Gajderowicz

Research Director, Evidence Institute and Assistant Professor, University of Warsaw


Dr. Jeff Gill

Distinguished Professor in the Department of Government and the Department of Mathematics, American University

Dr. Donald Green

J.W. Burgess Professor of Political Science, Columbia University


Dr. Diana L. Gustafson

Author and Honorary Research Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University

Dr. Piotr Modzelewski

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw

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Dr. Jacob Obodai

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Edge Hill University

Dr. Kirk Randazzo

Professor, Political Science, Director of the Judicial Research Initiative (JuRI), University of South Carolina


Dr. Shannon Sampert

Communications Consultant, Columnist

Instructor, University of Manitoba

Dr. Frederic Schaffer

Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Dr. Lea Sgier

Senior Lecturer in qualitative methodology at the Political Science Department of the University of Geneva

With fond memories...

Dr. Harold Clarke

Ashbel Smith Professor, University of Texas, Dallas

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